


PROMINSKI Martin,教授,博士

中德城镇化与地方性研究实验室  主任

德国莱布尼兹汉诺威大学建筑与景观学院  教授

PROMINSKI Martin从2009年起担任德国莱布尼兹汉诺威大学建筑与景观学院城市景观设计专业的全职教授;是建筑师协会、德国城市设计和土地利用规划学会、城市景观工作室(STUDIO URBANE LANDSCHAFTEN,一个城市景观研究、实践和教学的跨美高梅官网平台平台)的成员。他曾美高梅在德国柏林工业大学学习景观规划,受到德意志学术交流中心奖学金资助,美高梅在哈佛大学设计研究生院获得景观专业硕士学位,还获得柏林工业大学博士学位,博士论文以“景观设计”(Landschaft Entwerfen)为题于2004年出版。2006年,与他人合作创办了Journal of Landscape Architecture (JoLA)杂志并担任编辑至2010年。

Martin Prominski教授已出版著作3部、美高梅在书刊上发表文章40多篇;已主持1项德国科学基金会项目(DFG)、2项德国联邦环境基金会基金项目(DBU)、1项下萨克森州科学文化部资助项目,共同主持中德联合项目3项,并参与主持两项欧盟项目。

PROMINSKI Martin, Dr.-Ing., Full Professor

      Dr.-Ing. PROMINSKI Martin is a Full Professor for “Designing urban landscapes” at Leibniz University Hanover since 2009 and the director of the Sino-German Joint Laboratory on Urbanization and Locality Research, as well as a member of the Chamber of Architects, the German Academy for Urban Design and Land Use Planning or the STUDIO URBANE LANDSCHAFTEN, an interdisciplinary platform on research, practice and teaching on urban landscapes. He studied landscape planning at Technical University of Berlin and received a Master in Landscape Architecture from Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, with the support of a DAAD scholarship. He has a PhD from TU Berlin, published in 2004 as “Landschaft Entwerfen”. He co-founded the Journal of Landscape Architecture (JoLA) in 2006 and was an editor for it until 2010.

Prof. PROMINSKI Martin has published three books and more than 40 articles in books and journals. He has piloted a German Research Foundation project (DFG, No.PR 920/2-1), two projects for the German Federal Foundation for the Environment (DBU), one project for the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, and co-piloted three Sino–German Center projects (Nos. GZ 1086, GZ 1156, GZ 1201) jointly subsidized by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the German Science Foundation (DFG), and two projects for the European Union.


